I typically do quite a few of these, but I've indicated the (ounces) variations of quantities for my own use.
Measures variations make approximately [3][7]10[13] pancakes, another way of estimating is that it's approx 2 fl oz batter per pancake. This of course depends on the size of your pan, generosity in pouring the batter and the thickness of the batter.
Note, 3 eggs recipe is approximately the right amount for 1 batch in my blender. For a blender, put the milk and egg in first, start whizzing and then add the flour and salt through the hole in the top of the blender slowly. This order prevents getting solid messes of flour stuck under the blender blades. Let stand for half an hour and then add water (reserving some) to right consistency before cooking.
This page was last updated by Mad Hatter
on 12th May 2001.