Blade Runner

A classic SF movie. Kind of early Cyber Punk. Based on a PKD novel. Cops and robots. Surely everybody knows this movie!

It is the beginning of the "It is the future, hence it is dark and always rains" style of sci-fi. It works visually and at the time was unique. Since then it has become one of the cyberpunk cliches. Possibly inspired by some previous cinematic sci-fi cliches in Fritz Lang's Metropolis, which seems to have been the source of innumerable copycats, right down to 'Minority Report?'.

There is a lot of discussion about the alternate endings in the Theatrical release and in the directors cut. Especially as the Rutger Hauer character in the sequence where he 'dies' looks like he has a serious messiah complex...


Blade Runner was originally the title of a medical thriller, written in the mid-1970s. The owners of the rights to 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' bought it the rights to said thriller, purely to provide themselves with a slightly more marketable title. So somewhere there's a sub-Crichton kicking themselves repeatedly....

I remember punching my mother while I watched this movie.

Category SF Movie

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