Bullet Proof Monk

Comedy/Martial Arts/Wire Fu/CGI/Bullet Time flick with, in all fairness, about as much originality as a Rocky sequel. It's a hodge-podge of multifarious different types of Winning Formula, from buddy movies to Indiana Jones nazis via torture equipment bizarrely reminiscent of the 1996 Doctor Who TV Movie, the Circle Line Party, the now near obligatory martial arts chick fight between the heroine and the self-styled 'bitch', and the up-and-coming meme of the hero and the love interest having a fight, even though they clearly fancy each others arses off. Still, in the "so silly it's fun" category it scores rather well, and doesn't really deserve the scathing appraisal imdb gives to it.

OUSFG went to see it. Insane former nazis have not yet, to my knowledge, embarked upon a desperate quest to seize and read aloud the OUSFG Library from beginning to end in order to gain ultimate power. It is, however, only a matter of time. Validium, the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, the Scroll... if someone had introduced Hitler to eBay he'd probably have forgotten all about invading Poland.

Not as good as The Legend Of Fong Sai Yuk; but then again, what is?

Category SF Movie (Sort of.) Category Kung Fu Movie? (sort of) Category Movie

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