Do You Have Any Straw

This is an OUSFG Meme?, created circa 1998.

It was a bit of a dead-end gedanken; Archie was sat in Number 5 Old Old Hall, thinking, cradling a cup of Gunpowder Tea while everyone else was probably bickering loudly over a game of Settlers Of Catan. And it occurred to him : "what if I suddenly, for some reason, had to acquire a cat? And I was given only an hour to accomplish this, or something bad would happen? Would I be able to do it?".

The consensus was : yes, probably. At the time, there was a tutor who taught Russian, living in Norham Gardens whose cat wandered around freely seeking attention.

But straw was a different matter.

We were worried, because this wasn't just about straw. This was about suddenly desperately needing something within a specified time period, or something bad would happen.

Hell Soc adopted "Do You Have Any Straw?" for an unsettling LMH poster campaign.

Run Lola Run? is "Do You Have Any Straw?", with "straw" replaced by "100,000 marks".

In the case of the Blair Government, the answer is "Yes, unfortunately."

See also: Terrorist Scenarios? / If Terrorists Burst In?

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