Firefly Is Cancelled

It seems that Fire Fly didn't get enough audience or something.

Hell, even Niall Harrison wasn't that impressed, and he's a self-confessed Mutant Enemy? fanboy.

It would be so, so tempting to blame all that was wrong with Fire Fly on the fact that Fox messed around with the scheduling and forced Joss Whedon to write episodes with more Action! and Adventure! Unfortunately, whilst it is true that this did happen, the intellectual vacuum at the centre of the show persisted too long for Fox to take all the blame. On the upside, the show improved throughout its run, and the characters were (almost) all interesting and entertaining. There was still the potential for greatness (and after all, nine episodes in who'd have pegged Babylon Five or Far Scape as great?), so it's a shame it's been cancelled. -- NH

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