Local Changes

You can see the subset of Recent Changes consisting of the pages which are linked to from a particular page. "When did the pages linked to from here change?". You get the idea. It should be useful for infrequent visitors, who can make a list of pages they're interested in on their name page, then see what's been updated when they visit.

For now, you'll just have to munge a URL:

This is a somewhat incomplete feature; there ought to be a link at the bottom of the page or something.

I mostly wrote it to prove a point (<http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?WhereWasiLast>). -- TA

Could be useful, however: would it work on Category pages? --TL

It works everywhere. If you mean "is it useful on category pages", then i have no idea, but there's only one way to find out!. -- TA

Yes, of course, useless on categories, useful on indices. Haven't fully woken up yet. A Backwards Local Changes is technically feasible, but suffers from the slow Back Links Implementation. -- TA

Category Wiki

Mon, 07 Jun 2004 11:59:08 GMT Front Page Recent Changes Message Of The Day