Personal Computer

A great invention of the last quarter century. The main purpose of this device is to subtlely manipulate human emotions by dropping dead at the most spectacularly annoying moments possible.

As opposed to its gallant rival the Apple Mac, which is better generally in the reliability stakes (and getting even better, they say) but still has to work on the cross-compatibility problem with the aforementioned machines. Unless they've decided at Apple that they're not going to stoop to their level... --TL

Also, Political Correctness. And hey, look, it is possible, and perfectly acceptable, to not sign or initial your contributions!

Only if you're the Tyrannical Despot, IMHO --TL

That's not really quite fair... speaking as a tyrannical despot myself (all right, so at present my only disenfranchised and terrified subjects are my books, but I've got to start somewhere) I always try to initial wikiadditions. All right, so I didn't for the original entry, but as a clarification page for a wikiname thrown up by my own ramblings, the original text is probably obviously me. Notes, counterexamples, and OUSFG pedantry are all best signed, whether the contributor is good, evil, or enigmatically amoral. -- WJR :~p

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