The Flipside Of Dominick Hide

Time-travel comedy drama with Peter Firth (probable brother of Colin...

I know that rumour: I started it. I checked and its not true. "scuse". MAB

...has also had bitparts in 'Spooks' and a 'Total Recall' miniseries

...actually, no bitpart in 'Spooks' - he's the boss, though there was no way I recognised him bald - John pointed it out. Check out (how do I make a normal link?) TJA). Mi scusi, again --TL

This is a delightful 1980 BBC play. Although a fairly conventional time travel plot, the look and feel of the sterile future is reasonably convincing and not too dated (with a couple of exceptions). But it's the (often humorous) culture clash between future and past, the bittersweet love affair, and the air of lost beauty and excitement in the future that really make the play special. The theme song perfectly catches the mood, though it is rather overused in the sequel.

The sequel, Another Flip for Dominick, concentrates more on plot and shows us more of the future. This is quite fun, but doesn't live up to the original.

I am very fond of Flipside, and know several others who feel similarly. But to fair, I should pass on a dissenting opinion: George's main comment was "it's of its time" (1980, not 2130!). As far as I could gather, her criticism seemed particularly aimed at the clothing. Women! -- TJA

This was / will be the OUSFG video on 7 May 2003.

Category SF Movie

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