Wiki Headings


Twic I allows you to put HTML-style headings in pages.

How To Use Headings

Simply prefix a paragraph with a number of equals signs. One equals sign gets you a big heading, more get you smaller ones. The technical maximum is seven, but if you're getting that far, you should probably be using several pages.


Examine the source for this page.

What The HTML Looks Like

Standard <hN> tags are generated. A one-equals heading is <h2> (<h1> being reserved for the page title).


Don't go overboard! Wiki pages are typically fairly small, so that they don't need to be broken up with headings. Only in exceptional cases will you need many headings. Really consider breaking pages up if they have lots of headings.

A Reflexive Remark

One of the exceptional cases, in which lots of headings are allowed, is this page. Obviously.

Future Directions

The Fire Fly page could be edited to use headings, rather than bold lines.

That Wiki Text page is slouching towards to be created ...

Projected Reflections

I might well regret adding headings. A huge part of wiki is its simplicity; using bold lines for headings worked perfectly well, and didn't distract from the actual writing. It is possible that headings will distract people. This is more of a vague unease than a real concern, and i'll doubtless be proved wrong. -- TA

Category Wiki

Wed, 06 Nov 2002 13:00:46 GMT Front Page Recent Changes Message Of The Day