Wiki List

Twic I provides an easy-to-use but powerful way to write a list. Basically, just write a sequence of items, each starting on its own line and preceded by a hyphen (-). Items can run over multiple lines (as long as none of the lines start with a hyphen; a space followed by a hyphen is okay, though). Note that a list shouldn't contain any entirely blank lines; one of those will end the list and start a new one.

For example:

Poking things a bit (you'll need to look at the source to get the full effect):

You can also write numbered lists, using hash signs (#):

  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Third

More excitingly, you can do nested lists in the obvious way (by putting several leading hyphens on an item):

You can even mix normal and numbered lists with wild abandon (although the management will not be held responsible for any consequences):

Twic I also supports another kind of list, a Wiki Tagged List.

Category Wiki

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