install Darcs 2.8.1:

Distributed. Interactive. Simple.

Darcs is a free and open source, cross-platform version control system, like git, mercurial or subversion but with a very different approach. Thanks to its focus on changes rather than snapshots, Darcs can offer a freer way of working, and a simpler user interface.





quick start

Here are the commands you'll need to do version control with Darcs. Among other features, notice how:

The simplicity of this "cherry-picking" is unique to Darcs (and camp). You can see it in action in this 5-minute video, or read more about it in the manual.

Working in a local repository:

Start a new repo in the current directory, and add a file:
$ darcs init         # initialise the repository
$ echo foo > file1   # create a file
$ darcs add file1    # begin tracking file1, ready to commit
Show uncommitted edits and file changes in this repo, commit some, and list the latest commits:
$ darcs whatsnew     # show uncommitted changes to files Darcs is tracking
$ darcs whatsnew -sl # just the files, untracked ones too (or: darcs status)
$ darcs record       # select edits and commit them to the local repo
$ darcs changes      # list commits in this repo (or: darcs log)
Several kinds of undo:
$ darcs revert       # discard uncommitted edits, resetting the working copy
$ darcs rollback     # reverse a committed change in this and remote repos
                     # history-rewriting:
$ darcs unrecord     # un-commit a change in this repo, preserving working copy
$ darcs obliterate   # reverse and forget a committed change in this repo

Working with remote repositories:

Get Darcs' main repo, make a change and submit it to the upstream maintainer:
$ darcs get darcs --lazy  # fetch history lazily for speed
$ cd darcs           # enter the repo
$ echo > README      # edit something..
$ darcs record       # select edits and commit them to the local repo
$ darcs send         # submit patches upstream if your system speaks email,
$ darcs send -O      # or save a patch file you can email to
Moving changes between repos, and more:
$ darcs get USER@HOST:PATH  # get a repo via SSH
$ darcs pull      # merge new changes from upstream, updating the working copy
$ darcs push      # add our new changes to the upstream repo via SSH
$ darcs help      # show all commands and how to get more help