You are a developer and want to work with tracks and/or markers? Well,
it's YOUR data, here is the format description!
Tracks are just a couple of database records, each representing one
position and it's data (called a trackpoint). This is the structure
used inside of cotoGPS:
typedef struct
double lat, lon;
double dist;
double arc;
double x, y;
Int16 alt;
UInt16 hdop;
UInt16 vdop;
UInt16 pdop;
UInt8 sat_tracked;
UInt8 fix_quality;
UInt16 speed;
UInt32 time;
} trackpoint_type;
element description:
- lat, lon: latitude, longitude of current position, format in PalmOS
(m68k or big endian) mode. west and north positive. radian.
- dist: (private, distance to last point)
- arc: (private, arc to last point)
- x, y: (private, x and y position of point)
- alt: altitude in feet
- hdop, vdop, pdop: dilution of precision, horizontal,
vertical, position. multiplied by 10.
- sat_tracked: amount of currently tracked satellites
- fix_quality: quality of fix, 0: no fix or warning; 2: 2D fix;
3: 3D fix; 4: 3D fix plus DGPS
- speed: current speed
- time: standard PalmOS compatible time (means: seconds since
12:00 A.M. on January 1, 1904.
typedef struct
double lon, lat;
} marker_type;
element description:
- lat, lon: latitude, longitude of current position, format in PalmOS
(m68k or big endian) mode. west and north positive. radian.
- name: name of the marker
- rest: if the record is longer then this structure, the rest is
completely human readable text, the notes one can enter for each
marker. so you have to check the length when reading the records!
Have fun! :-)