Photo /users/aendr/whiterabbit/1606 The view from my window
Photo /users/aendr/whiterabbit/1607 WVR-1100 - my microwave radiometer
Photo /users/aendr/whiterabbit/1608 Measuring incoming longwave and shortwave
Photo /users/aendr/whiterabbit/1609 Measuring outgoing longwave and shortwave and IR grass temperature
Photo /users/aendr/whiterabbit/1610 The sheds
Photo /users/aendr/whiterabbit/1611 The cone on a stick is a GPS antenna for measuring water vapour, the white box is a sky pointing laser ceilometer to measure cloud base, the yellow box is an older version of it, the tower is a 10m tower doing windspeed and direction, the building is one wing of where I work, my window is just left of the grey shutters.
Photo /users/aendr/whiterabbit/1612 The sheds, from the front.