Glycosylation Questions 1995 "Why are the carbohydrate components of glycoproteins more difficult to sequence than their polypeptide components? How have these difficulties been overcome by different oligosaccharide sequencing strategies?" 1996 "The Fc fragment of IgG contains a single glycosylation site on each peptide chain at which there is a substituted mixture of bi-antennary N-linked oligosaccharides with none, with one and with two galactose residues. In addition, some of the oligosaccharides contain a reducing-terminal fucose moiety, others possess a bisecting N-acetylglucosamine residue, and yet others contain both modifications. Describe the methods you would use to determine the location and variable occupancy of the glycosylation site, and to determine the detailed structures of the constituent oligosaccharides." 1997 "Are specific oligosaccharide structures important for the function of glycoproteins? Briefly describe how the chemical nature of these structures can be determined." 1998 "Discuss the functions of glycosylation of proteins and the factors that control the glycan processing in cell surface and cell secreted glycoproteins." 1999 "Compare and contrast the glycosylation of IgG, IgA1, and IgM, demonstrating how differences in protein structure and assembly can influence the processing of N and O-linked glycans." 2000 No questions.