Recombination Questions 1995 "Describe how you would distinguish recombination and complementation experimentally and how in vitro complementation techniques expedite purification of proteins without knowledge of their precise molecular function." "Compare the mechanisms of site-specific recombination and genetic transposition. Discuss critically the methods that have been used to elucidate these mechanisms." 1996 "Compare the mechanisms of site-specific recombination and genetic transposition. Briefly outline the methods that have been used to elucidate these mechanisms." 1997 "Write an essay on DNA damage, repair and mutation" "Compare the mechanisms of site-specific recombination and genetic transposition. Outline how these processes are exploited in molecular biology research." 1998 "Describe the phenomenon of gene conversion in yeast. How does the double-strand break model for recombination compare with the Holliday model for recombination?" 1999 "Compare the mechanisms of genetic transposition, retroviral integration, and immunoglobulin gene rearrangement. Briefly indicate the experimental approaches that have been used to elucidate these mechanisms." 2000 "Discuss how double-strand breaks in DNA arise and how they lead to the process of homologous recombination. Identify the key proteins that participate in homologous recombination."