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Tim Minear: S3 Questions And Answers

30/7/01 - Niall: Am I right in thinking you're shooting now?
TM: Yup.
Niall: How's that going? We know you're writing ep 2 - are you directing it as well?
TM: Going great. Everyone is in a very jolly humor. David G. write and directed (is directing) the first ep. I wrote ep 2, it starts shooting on Tuesday. I am not directing this one. I just got Jeff Bell's first draft of his first ever "Angel' episode, which will be ep 3, and it's really great. I'm very excited about this one.
Niall: We've been hearing all sorts of depressing rumours about the show taking a lighter turn in S3...would you mind reassuring us there'll still be darkness? Ta.
TM: Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! So not taking a lighter turn. I expect we'll be shaking it up tone-wise much the same way we did in season 2. Expect darky darky dark dark dark. With a side of dark. And some funny.
Niall: If you really wanted to cheer us all up, you could tell us there won't be any stories relying on Fred's knowledge of physics...
TM: So long as it nothing rests on my knowledge of physics, we should be fine. BTW -- what's "physics?"
2/8/01 - Harper: Could we get any upcoming episode titles for the new season? If you can't tell us, we understand.

TM: Ep one is "Heartthrob" by David Greenwalt

Ep two is "That Old Gang Of Mine" by me

7/9/01 - Kristen: Tim's episode has been pushed to the #3 slot. Jeff Bell's episode, "That Vision Thing" will now be the second episode of Season Three.
7/9/01 - Niall: Hmm. I thought they were on to filming #5 or so now? That would indicate there isn't much in the way of important continuity in #2 and #3.
7/9/01 - TM: Actually, continuity works out better this way. You'll probably see what I mean after the airings.
28/11/01 - Niall

[Continued from this exchange about David Hines' review of 'Lullaby']

Indeed. And not that we want your head to swell, or anything, since that sounds painful - but for the record, most people I've shown that review to have gone 'huh?'. With, say, 'That Old Gang Of Mine' it was like, 'OK, I see his point'.

TM: Know what? Me too. In fact, David seemed to like that ep A LOT more than I ever did. Interesting, that.
31/01/02 - Tafka: How come [Gunn's living in his truck in the shooting script for 'That Old Gang Of Mine'] was dropped and replaced with him waking up in a bed?
03/02/02 - TM:

You've got part of your answer here:

"I admit that through showing the recap of Gunn's sister we get freshly reminded of what is to follow (later with Gio)"

That seemed the important point to make. Beyond that, it didn't quite play the way it was shot - and it was shot.

31/01/02 - Tafka: but for me - from reading - the issue of home and belonging would/could have been addressed with this exposure of Gunn's "home"?/font>
03/02/02 - TM Agreed, But again, Gio's rant had so much to do with Gunn's sister, as did Gunn's reasons for fading out from his gang that it seemed important to have this in more than jus the re-cap.
31/01/02 - Tafka: Why was the whole fight scene dropped at the end of the episode? [...] With the scene in the shooting script, there's a clear resolution (at least for now) and all seems well - how come therefore it was dropped without any reference?
03/02/02 - TM Again, it was shot was somehow the story wasn't getting told. So we paid a bit of money for the CGI monster and canned the fight, which was all moves and no real drama as it turned out.
04/02/02 - Tim: Tim, am I right in reading that second 'was' as a 'but'?
04/02/02 - TM: Yep.
16/02/02 - TM [In 'Fredless'] Joss did take his hand to one scene, that was really more a speech than a scene.
16/02/02 - Niall I'm gonna guess...the scene between Angel and Fred in Fred's room?
16/02/02 - TM: Nope. Try again.
16/02/02 - Niall: The options that come to mind: Lorne's little rant at Angel, and Fred's breakdown in the bus station. Everything else I can think of off the top of my head falls more into 'scene' than 'speech', I would have thought. Out of those, I'm gonna go for Lorne's rant.
17/02/02 - TM:

"Fred's breakdown in the bus station"


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This page was written by Niall Harrison.