Premiere AVISynth Plugin v1.1b release

This is an update of the Premiere Avisynth Import Plugin originally written by Ben Rudiak-Gould, see plugin and the sourcecode can be obtained from Tom Ford's web site:

Changelist Version 1.1b:
- Faster fixed point nearest neighbour resize (60% faster than previous all integer one)

Changelist Version 1.1:
- Improved Premiere 5.x Support
- Fixed RGB32 support
- Compiled with VC6 for extra compatibility
- Various plugin code tidying and colourspace efficiency

Changelist: Version 1.0b:

- Fixed high saturation colour error bug.
- Fixed Blank Screen bug.
- Fixed no-thumbnail bug.
- Code optimised and fixed for compling with VC7


Although the plugin is vastly improved, please note the following caveats:

The plugin now includes the ability to resize to fit the preview window and timeline thumbnails. However this resize is not very accurate (as it is optimised for speed) and will give poor results if used in your export. Hence, it is very important that the resolution (and pixel aspect ratio) of your import files EXACTLY MATCH those of your output in order to maintain perfect quality.

How the bugfix was developed:

The import plugin was written two years ago and had not been changed, or so it seems, since it's original release which contained (primarily) a black screen bug. this required the user to resize the preview window to 720x480 in order to see the footage. Later a colour bug was discovered that happened at high saturation colours.

After years of having to cope with the problems caused by this import plugin, AbsoluteDestiny decided to download the source code and try to decipher what exactly was going wrong. With aid from one half of Turboneko Studios and ErMaC, areas in the code were pinpointed that were suspected to be the source of the main problem - the blank screen bug. It appeared that import plugin has to include its own resize routines and the plugin didn't actually have one. This resulted in only footage that matched the preview window resolution and export resolution to be processed. The other main bug was to do with the way certain high level colours were completely changing, causing ugly artefacts on footage. After much theorising, the conclusions were passed on to Tom Ford who endeavoured to tinker with the code to see if they could be resolved..

The fixes

The original plugin lacked the ability to resize information for display in Premiere, resulting in the black screen bug mentioned earlier. To combat this, a resize algorithm was added to the plugin. This resize algorithm was written by Tom Ford and applies a Nearest Neighbour resize to the footage for general display in premiere. It is desinged for speed and hence the import and export resolutions should be kept the same to maintain quality.

The colour bug was much more curious. I'll let Tom explain:

Tom Ford: you'll be pleased to know that the colour bug was PARTICULARLY subtle
Tom Ford: The problem was actually to do with the compile implicitally casting *(char *) to a signed int before doing the operator add
Tom Ford: This meant that if the RGB components were > 127 they would go negative
Tom Ford: and everything would go to hell :)
Tom Ford: Bits with 2 non-zero colour things would be particularly bad, hence the little blocks in the middle looked a bit screwed
Tom Ford: If you remember the code it was
Tom Ford: dst[round_x] = src[x*3+0] + (src[x*3+1] << 8) + (src[x*3+2] << 16);
Tom Ford: Now, if some of the operands were negative, you can imagine all kind of strange effects happening
Tom Ford: due to the  + s

So, in short the colour bug was really really nasty and now it's fixed.

Future Optimisations:

There are possible future optimisations to be made but this is a fully working version. It is uncertain how much further development will occur on this plugin as the main problems have been solved. Rest assured, if further bugs present themselves we may become proactive again.

The main bottleneck with this method of video editing is the speed of the mpeg2 decoding. It is possible that an editing version of mpeg2dec.dll will be developed to allow easier editing. An mpeg2dec-lite, so to speak. this can be changed in the avisynth script later for full quality. This is just supposition at the moment but essentially what we want to do is to create a fast and reliable method for editing with dvd footage. This plugin release isn't any faster but it is less broken :)

AbsoluteDestiny 02/09/2002
(additional notes by Tom Ford (flend *at*