2 - more history: fast replace and reuse arguments
Quickly replace a mistake
bash, tcsh^[target string]^[replacement string][flend@fulmination tmp]$ ls *.jpef
ls: *.jpef: No such file or directory
[flend@fulmination tmp]$ ^f^g
ls *.jpeg
Reuse arguments from the previous line
!$ - the last argument
!* - all arguments bar the first
!n - the n-th argument
!x-y - the arguments from positions x to y
!x* - all arguments from position x to the end
for example
[flend@spiffy ANSIColor-1.01]$ make Makefile.PL
make: *** No rule to make target `/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/Config.pm', needed by `Makefile'. Stop.
[flend@spiffy ANSIColor-1.01]$ perl !$
perl Makefile.PL
Writing Makefile for Term::ANSIColor