Last Update: 24/04/02

Jacosub to SSA converter

This was written to roughly convert a jacosub script of Inu Yasha episode 1 into a more useful SSA form. This was then used to sub the Japanese DVD and provide the attendees of Minamicon 8 with some Inu Yasha to watch. Unless they were sensible and went to watch something more exciting.

Anyway, it's a quick perl hack. You'll need perl to run it, obviously. If you don't have it, I'll assume you're a Windows user - you'll need ActiveState Perl for Win32.

Download the perl file

It should transfer lines of dialogue and timings but that is it - it won't attempt to understand headers or anything and will just prepend a standard SSA header.

Usage is as follows:

perl filename.js

This will produce


in the same directory.

Oh yeah, I don't really do perl as you may have noticed if you've read the file. Hey, I only do _real_ languages (C++...).