Host Key Fingerprints

Where is the host key on a machine?
How do you compute a fingerprint from a key?
ssh-keygen -lf /path/to/key
How do i find the host key for a remote machine i've logged into before?
fgrep ~/.ssh/known_hosts (unless you have an hashed known_hosts)
How do i find the host key fingerprint for a remote machine i've logged into before?
ssh-keygen -lF (this works even if you've hashed known_hosts)
How do i find the host key for a remote machine i haven't logged into before?
can't remember, but pretty sure there's a flag to ssh or something
What is urchin's host key fingerprint?
1024 48:da:93:d7:df:ac:30:c9:96:73:a4:9b:4d:31:cb:7c (RSA)