My favourite entries in
I will REMOVE the fucking toilet seat if you don't shut up
Mixed drinks you come up with when you're drunk
How to defend yourself against a coconut
Bag of Crushed Child
The principles of nuclear weapon safety and meeting girls are remarkably similar
How to tell a girl just wants to be friends
How Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man have sex
Because the city is falling down
Mathematics is beautiful
(crackerfish's writeup)
Pornography of Armageddon
The television will not be revolutionized
Making Rage Against The Machine Guitar noises with your mouth is the best form of political protest
How to survive against humans
Bureau of Zombie Management
How to assassinate a third world despot with only a butt plug and a litre of raspberry coulis
From now on, any ordinary knowledge is no longer going to satisfy you, I'm afraid
Standing on a mountaintop in northern Siberia under the rapidly descending bulk of asteroid McAlmont, with a calculating expression and a baseball bat
Am I dreaming this dream with a million other machines?
(warning: self-indulgent)
Now I ask you, is that any way for a cosmic body to disintegrate?
Archetypes of Alien Species
What Would Cthulhu Do?
Also, the
things to consider
Just good titles:
I don't plan to be dismembered in the next three months
I have Jesus in my asshole, does that count?
Grandma's brain exploded; thereafter, things improved
Any sufficiently advanced music is indistinguishable from MIDI
SOY! SOY! SOY! Soy makes you strong! Strength crushes enemies! SOY!
If you meet the Buddha on the road, ask him how far it is to the next gas station. *Then* kill him.
No, don't set it down there; that's the Void. Just leave it on the coffee table.