Charlie Stross

A British SF writer; born in Leeds but now living in Edinburgh and part of the Scottish SF mob. His day job until recently was writing columns about Open Source/Free Software for computer magazines. He is one of the key exponents of Over Clocked.

(I resent the imputation that I'm anything at all to do with Over Clocked! I wish people would stop trying to pin labels on me -- Charlie.)

Some people keep trying to claim he is one of the key exponents of Over Clocked.

Charlie is one of the key exponents of Over Clocked. Specifically, he is the private key exponent, Cory Doctorow being the public key exponent; it is presumed to be impossible, or at least NP Hard, to deduce one from the other.

Think Greg Egan vs Ken Mac Leod. But with more shoggoths.


Charlie wrote some Games Workshop Sharecrop: a Warhammer 40K short story, 'Monastery of Death', which is in David Pringle's 'Deathwing' collection.

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