Comrade Mike

Apparently also known as Mike Froggatt and Miserable OFB.

Comrade Mike doesn't like SF anymore, at least not any of the stuff he can find. He definitely doesn't like Sci Fi anymore, but that's only because he hasn't had access to a goggle-box for the past five years and someone in the Royal Mail keeps pinching his copies of 'Inter Zone' before they reach him. In a desperate attempt to find new SF he has had to start conversing with OUSFG again, which he finds deeply distressing.

Comrade Mike used to like Kurt Vonnegut, JG Ballard, Chris Priest and such like. He tends to find the only SF which is currently snappy enough to retain his attention span is Grant Morrison's 'X Men' and is campaigning for the abolition of SF novels over 175 pages. However he disagrees with Tom Anderson that SF is an inherently short-story genre.

Splitter! -- TA Deviationist! MF

Comrade Mike is also working towards a D.Phil on science in Russian popular culture in the 1950s and 1960s, which involves spending a lot of time in the Bodleian library reading Golden Age Russian SF. As doctorates go this ain't so bad, but it's not as much fun as you might think. However it did mean he could recently attend the 20th Conference of the International Association for Media and History, entitled The History Of The Future Visions From The Past. He has found of immense use for research, and of general interest:

You can also look at Mike Froggatts Library....

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