Part of the honor of winning the Tiptree Award: the award-winner must wear the Tiara for the duration of the evening ceremony.
"Each year's winners receive their share of $1000, a piece of original art (in 2003 it was a fabric cake), some chocolate, and their trip to the ceremony. What's more, they get the dubious privilege of having the more-than-amateur Tips chorus sing an original song in their honor."
Are these pictures making loading the page a pain? If so, we could move them to a separate page of Pictures Of The Tiptree Tiara. I do wish we had one of M John Harrison ... There's one here -- web wrangle as you please <> -- SDN Aha! I shall see if i can make or get a file of the relevant image ...
The Tiara was created and donated to the cause by Elise Matthesen. <>
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