OpenGuides installation instructions ==================================== OpenGuides installation has two steps - installing the modules, and setting up a Guide. Module installation is described in this file, and setting up a Guide is described in SETUP. * Basic installation of modules The OpenGuides distribution _should_ be installable with or - i.e., the CPAN shell - and this is probably the simplest way to do it unless you already know you prefer manual installation. If you do prefer manual installation, then: Unpack the distribution (using for example 'tar' or 'WinZip'), and set your working directory (using for example 'cd') to be the top level of the distribution. Now execute the following commands: perl Build.PL perl Build perl Build test These will prepare your system for installation of the modules, and run some tests to make sure that everything is OK. If everything is not OK, then please report a bug. If everything is OK, i.e. all the tests report success, then perl Build install should install the modules for you. If you get error messages saying you don't have the correct permissions, then you need to do something along the lines of 'sudo perl Build install', or install the modules in a directory that you do have permission to write to (see below), or ask your sysadmin to do the installation for you. * Custom install locations If you wish to install the OpenGuides modules in a private directory, you will need to specify this when you run the Build.PL. If you are using version 0.20 or newer of Module::Build, do: perl Build.PL install_path=lib=/path/to/my/modules/ \ install_path=script=/path/to/my/bin/ \ install_path=arch=/path/to/my/modules/auto/ \ install_path=libdoc=/path/to/my/man/ \ install_path=bindoc=/path/to/my/man/ Or for earlier versions of Module::Build, do: perl Build.PL config='sitelib=/path/to/my/modules/' If you do choose this option, then when you come to set up a Guide you'll need to make sure that the scripts know where to find your modules. See the documentation on custom lib paths in SETUP.