0.49 24 July 2005 Add updated prerequisite on CGI::Wiki::Plugin::RSS::ModWiki (fixes a test failure) 0.48 24 July 2005 RDF enhancements: Removed redundant "id" parameter specification from dc:source in rdf:Description in RDF node listings. Fixed bug that was causing all nodes to be flagged as a geo:SpatialThing whether they were or not. Ensured that ampersands and greater/less than symbols were properly escaped so as not to be XML-toxic. Added geo:lat, geo:long and RSS link attributes to items in category/locale listings to facilitate integration with mapping applications. Added owl:sameAs property to RDF output for nodes that are redirects to other nodes. RSS feed now has correct timestamp (matching most recent item) and matching Last-Modified HTTP header. Reorder navigation bar to provide more logical groupings. Add "format=plain" option for all-nodes index listing and associated template plain_index.tt. New message to appear on pages when you have been redirected informing you of the fact. Stop showing potentially very long map URLs in metadata section of node display. Replace ugly obliques in display of categories and locales with more natural commas; change "locale" to "locales" in label. Replace