"#" items refer to tickets. See for details. More detailed changelogs can be found at http://dev.openguides.org/log/trunk 0.58 21 December 2006 Tidy up some minor bugs in the new features. Add RDF autodiscovery link to nodes' section. Added more data to RDF output Redesign node history view along lines of that used by MediaWiki (http://www.mediawiki.org/) for clarity. Add UPGRADING file which summarises important information for people upgrading. Add an optional new config parameter, http_charset, which will set an explicit charset http header on all responses. Add an optional new config parameter, ping_services, which is a list of services (defined in Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin::Ping) to ping when a node is written. Allows you to ping pingerati etc on changes. Helmert Transforms, so that British National grid users can have accurate Google Maps tie-ins. dbencoding config variable to tell OpenGuides what charset your database encoding is. As a consequence declare the charset correctly in the XML feeds. Other minor UI improvements Redesigned node history view a la MediaWiki for greater clarity. 0.57 12 September 2006 New interfaces: * Admin interface. * Show nodes missing metadata. * Moderate edits (based on Wiki::Toolkit moderation). NOTE: these functions should be considered unstable, and may change over future releases. Lots more Atom and RSS feeds, including for searching. Four new config file options: moderation_requires_password, enable_node_image, enable_common_categories, enable_common_locales Search::InvertedIndex support is deprecated as of this release. Please upgrade to Plucene if you are still using it. Tidy up some template bits 0.56 14 June 2006 Fixed bug introduced in feed formatting where Atom feeds would be produced when asked for RSS and vice versa. 0.55 13 June 2006 Versioned dependency on Wiki::Toolkit to avoid development versions. Support generating feeds of a node's version listing, in addition to feeds of the recent changes. For more information on OpenGuides feeds, see http://dev.openguides.org/wiki/FeedsIntro 0.54_02 8 June 2006 Pass the feed_listing (currently just recent_changes) through all the feed related code, rather than assuming it'll only ever be recent changes. Will allow other listings of nodes to be handled in the future. 0.54_01 16 May 2006 Support for Atom feeds for RecentChanges. #118 Use Wiki::Toolkit. NOTE this is a development snapshot and is not suitable for production use. It may eat your data! Tests on development mirrors of live data are highly welcomed; the underlying database schema provided by Wiki::Toolkit has changed and the upgrade process needs some rigorous testing. 0.54 21 April 2006 #112 Fixed website display bug introduced in 0.53. 0.53 20 April 2006 Miscellanous fixes for mod_perl. #42 New "About" screen. Try action=about and action=about;format=rdf. #97 Use "summary" metadata to generate HTML meta descriptions. New OpenGuides::Feed module to handle feed generation (code was previously in OpenGuides::RDF). Generate URIs for locales and contributors in RDF output. #107 Don't display partial http:// URL in preview. #93 Upgrade to new Google Maps API (for smaller javascript download) #103 Fixed empty Category/Locale list bug. #54 Fixed RSS redirection for backwards compatibility. #79 Partial fix to help combat HTML spam #56 Added licence config variables 0.52 5 March 2006 IMPORTANT CHANGE: "supersearch.cgi" is now simply "search.cgi". If you have customisations to your templates, you may need to make changes to reflect this. Renamed OpenGuides::SuperSearch to OpenGuides::Search. Use corrent content-type (application/rdf+xml) for all RDF output. Things with opening hours are marked as geospatial in RDF. Fixed missing bracket in node.tt. Added custom_node template just below main content in node.tt. Google Maps support! There is a new index type, wiki.cgi?action=index;format=map, and maps appear in the node listings (the latter feature is user-configurable). Fixed in RSS to point to RecentChanges page, not the feed itself. #67 Default website for a page is now http:// Fixed mod_perl redirect bug. Fixed test failure with CGI.pm 3.16. #87 Edit on mirrored pages now goes to source site #66 Locales in RDF now use dc:title, not foaf:name 0.51 15 November 2005 Important changes: * The preferred way to get RecentChanges is now to pass the CGI the parameter "action=rc", rather than just using the page name "RecentChanges". However, this method will still work for the time being. Similarly, the URL parameter for the RecentChanges RSS feed has changed from "action=rss" to "action=rc;format=rss". Requests for the former will be redirected to the latter. New features: * When trying to view a non-existent node, you will now be presented with a message asking if you want to create that node, rather than a blank page. * New "summary" metadata field for one-line summaries of nodes: - Added summary field to RDF as dc:description. - Show node summary in search results. * New "format=raw" option for outputting wiki text of a node. * RSS feed now contains DOAP (http://usefulinc.com/doap) metadata. RDF bugfixes: * Locales, address and summary fields now XML-escaped properly. * Added "address" field that was missing from the RDF node view. * Update URL for Dublin Core elements in RDF index view. * Fixed URL in the RSS element to point to the RSS URL, not the RecentChanges page URL. Search bugfixes: * Fixed bug that was breaking coordinate entry fields on search page if lat/lon was being used. * Fixed bug in OpenGuides::SuperSearch that wasn't passing "latitude" and "longitude" values to the search template when a distance search was being done. Minor improvements: * Replace underscores in node names in "redirected from" message with spaces. * "Redirected from" message now links to a rendered version of the old page rather than the editing view. Miscellaneous bugfixes: * Fixed problem with newer Text::Wikiformat and blank nodes. * Fixed bug in navbar template that caused warnings in the tests. 0.50 2 October 2005 Remove rogue ampersand that had crept into the RSS feed. 0.49 24 July 2005 Added updated prerequisite on CGI::Wiki::Plugin::RSS::ModWiki (fixes a test failure). 0.48 24 July 2005 RDF enhancements: * Removed redundant "id" parameter specification from dc:source in rdf:Description in RDF node listings. * Fixed bug that was causing all nodes to be flagged as a geo:SpatialThing whether they were or not. * Ensured that ampersands and greater/less than symbols were properly escaped so as not to be XML-toxic. * Added geo:lat, geo:long and RSS link attributes to items in category/locale listings to facilitate integration with mapping applications. * Added owl:sameAs property to RDF output for nodes that are redirects to other nodes. * RSS feed now has correct timestamp (matching most recent item) and matching Last-Modified HTTP header. Reorder navigation bar to provide more logical groupings. Added "format=plain" option for all-nodes index listing and associated template plain_index.tt. New message to appear on pages when you have been redirected informing you of the fact. Stop showing potentially very long map URLs in metadata section of node display. Replace ugly obliques in display of categories and locales with more natural commas; change "locale" to "locales" in label. Replace