NOTES FOR UPGRADERS: I added an index to the metadata table in the postgres setup in version 0.31 and in the MySQL setup in version 0.40 - this really speeds up RecentChanges on larger wikis. See the 'Changes' file for details on applying the index to existing databases. I've not done any benchmarks on SQLite yet, so I'm leaving that alone for now. HOW TO INSTALL THIS: This module can be installed just like any other standard Perl module: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install You may wish to use your local version of 'make' (e.g. 'nmake' on Windows.) On most systems 'make install' requires you to have root privileges. 'perl Makefile.PL' will ask a few questions about which databases it can use in the 'make test' stage - the default is to only run those tests that don't need external test databases. It is recommended that you test with as many backend combinations as your system will allow. ***************************************************** **** **** **** THESE TESTS ARE DESTRUCTIVE. **** **** DO NOT RUN THEM ON A DATABASE THAT CONTAINS **** **** OR EVER WILL CONTAIN LIVE DATA. **** **** **** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** **** **** **** THE DATABASE VALUES YOU GIVE HERE WILL BE **** **** STORED IN CGI::Wiki::TestConfig AND WILL BE **** **** USED FOR FUTURE INSTALLS OF THIS AND **** **** RELATED MODULES. **** **** **** ***************************************************** For noninteractive installation, or to provide defaults for interactive installation, set the following environment variables to suitable values. Leave them blank or explicitly set them to 'undef' if you don't want to test that particular backend. CGI_WIKI_MYSQL_DBNAME # If 'undef', following two variables are ignored CGI_WIKI_MYSQL_DBUSER CGI_WIKI_MYSQL_DBPASS CGI_WIKI_MYSQL_DBHOST # Leave blank if database is local CGI_WIKI_PG_DBNAME # If 'undef', following two variables are ignored CGI_WIKI_PG_DBUSER CGI_WIKI_PG_DBPASS CGI_WIKI_PG_DBHOST # Leave blank if database is local CGI_WIKI_DBIXFTS_MYSQL # NOTE: Any non-blank value other than 'undef' # or '0' signifies 'test this' Second and subsequent successful runs of 'perl Makefile.PL' will use the testing setup specified in the first run and hence will not ask questions or look for options in environment variables. To over-ride this behaviour and be asked the questions again, do 'perl Makefile.PL -s' or set the environment variable CGI_WIKI_RERUN_CONFIG to something non-blank. If you do this then your previous answers will be offered as defaults. When re-running configuration (ie with the '-s' flag or CGI_WIKI_RERUN_CONFIG set), explicit settings in environment variables will over-ride settings specified during previous runs. If you provide settings for a backend that you don't have the drivers installed for (DBD::mysql, DBD::Pg, DBIx::FullTextSearch) then they will be ignored. POST INSTALL: You'll want to run the cgi-wiki-setupdb script to set up the initial database tables. This script will have been installed with the rest of the distribution. There is a hole in this documentation here. If you are upgrading from an earlier version of CGI::Wiki, and there has been no change to the database schema in the newer releases, cgi-wiki-setupdb will do nothing. If there has been a change to the schema, it will leave your existing data alone but update the table schema. This final script will, if used, set up DBIx::FullTextSearch indexes and attempt to index any existing data. Because of this, it must be run *after* Note that installing CGI::Wiki *does* install cgi-wiki-setupdb for you, but does *not* install (this is mainly because the name is really ugly). TESTING NOTES: 'perl Makefile.PL' will ask some questions about which backends to run the tests for. You will need to create at least one test database before you run the tests, and your test user will need to be able to create and drop tables in that database. Postgres notes: You can create a database from the shell: shell$ createdb cgi_wiki_test And give a user password access by editing pg_hba.conf (which lives somewhere like /var/lib/postgres/data/pg_hba.conf) to contain the line: local cgi_wiki_test md5 Then in psql run something like: postgres=# create user wiki with password 'wiki'; You can give a database to a user by using psql to update the pg_database table -- the datdba UID comes from the pg_user table.) MySQL notes: Something like "grant all privileges on cgi_wiki_test.* to wiki@localhost identified by 'wiki'" will create a suitable user and give it password access to, and all required privileges on the test database. PREREQUISITES: The following modules *must* be installed before you try to build this: * DBI * Digest::MD5 * HTML::PullParser * Test::More * Test::Warn * Test::MockObject (version 0.07 or later) * Text::WikiFormat (version 0.45 or later) * Time::Piece You will also need the relevant DBD database driver module for whichever storage backend you plan to use, for example one of: * DBD::mysql * DBD::Pg * DBD::SQLite (version 0.21 or later) In addition, if you want to use the DBIx::FullTextSearch backend, you will need: * DBIx::FullTextSearch (version 0.71 or later) * Lingua::Stem For the Search::InvertedIndex backend you need: * Search::InvertedIndex And finally, the Postgres and SQLite backends require the following for testing purposes: * Hook::LexWrap