Name and Object of the Society Membership The Officers and Committee Meetings Revisions for the Constitution 1. Name and Object of the Society 1. The Society shall be called "The Oxford University Invariant Society". 2. The Society shall have for its object the promotion of interest in all branches of Mathematics among members of Oxford University in statu pupillari. 2. Membership 3. Only those persons who are members of Oxford University in statu pupillari shall be eligible for election to the Society; the Senior Member shall be deemed a member ex officio. A member may join for a single meeting, for a term, for an academic year, or for "life", meaning for as long as he1 remains a member of Oxford University in statu pupillari. All members shall pay a subscription appropriate to the duration of their membership. The committee shall decide subscription prices at the start of the academic year. 4. A person shall be deemed to have been elected a member on the acceptance of his or her first subscription by the Committee, but the Committee may exclude a candidate by refusing such subscription. 5. No person shall be deemed to be a member of the Society unless the Committee shall have accepted his or her subscription for the term in which membership is claimed. 6. No person shall attend any meeting (except by operation of rule 8) nor vote at any meeting, nor be a candidate for any office, unless he or she be a member of the Society. 7. The offices of the Senior Member and all committee members are honorary. 8. Persons who are not eligible for membership of the Society may be admitted to the Society's meetings at the discretion of the Committee. 3. The Officers and Committee 9. The Society shall be represented by, and the management of its affairs vested in, the Senior Member and Committee of the Society. No person shall be a member of the committee unless he be a member of the Society in good standing. 10. The Senior Member shall be a resident Master of Arts of the Sub-Faculty of Mathematics in the University of Oxford, and shall be elected by the Committee for a period of two years. 11. The Committee shall consist of a Senior Committee and a Junior Committee. The Senior Committee shall consist of the following officers: President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Junior Committee shall consist of any of the following officers: a Social Secretary, who shall be responsible for organising social events a Publicity Secretary, who shall be responsible for advertising all meetings a Magazine Editor, who shall be responsible for editing and producing the Invariant magazine a Graduate Representative, who shall be responsible for promoting the interests of the society among graduate members of the university any others deemed to be necessary by the Senior Committee. 12. Members of the Committee shall be elected by the Society in Hilary Term, to hold office for the succeeding year. A candidate for office must be proposed and seconded by members with his or her consent. No member may propose or second himself, and no member may propose or second two people for the same post. Written nominations must be handed to the Secretary at least a week before the date of the ballot. 13. A committee member may be expelled at any time with the written permission of the Senior Member and the unanimous vote of the other committee members. The expelled member shall remain a member of the Society in good standing. 14. With the written consent of the Senior Member, any twenty distinct members of the Society may force an extraordinary general meeting, to be held within three weeks, at which the present committee will be dissolved and a new committee elected as in rule 12. 15. The election of officers shall be conducted by the retiring Committee, normally at a meeting in Hilary term, which meeting shall be referred as the Annual General Meeting. The balloting shall be in the following order: President, Secretary and Treasurer. No person shall hold two offices concurrently. 16. Notwithstanding Rule 11, the Committee may, if there be no lady among their number, co-opt a ladies representative, who shall be a lady member of the Society. Similarly, if there be no gentleman among their number, the Committee may co-opt a gentlemen's representative, who shall be a gentleman member of the Society. 17. If vacancies occur on the Committee by the resignation of members before the expiration of their full term of office, or otherwise, the Committee may appoint such members as they think suitable to any offices which have thus been vacated. 18. The Senior Member will not normally be required to attend Committee meetings, but the Committee shall refer to the Senior Member both for confirmation of any decision of a non-routine nature, and for advice as and when required. He shall enjoy a casting vote at all meetings of the Society. He shall interpret the Constitution and Rules of the Society. 19. The President shall take the chair at all meetings of the Society and of the Committee. 20. The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping the Minute Books of the Committee; he shall be responsible for the safe custody of the Society's records; for taking them over from his predecessor and for handing them on to his successor, and for giving notice of meetings where necessary, unless a Publicity Secretary has been appointed. 21. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation and supervision of the Society's accounts, which shall be available for inspection by any member. All payments out of the Society's funds must be supported by receipts; otherwise full details must be afforded. 4. Meetings 22. Notice of the Annual General Meeting and of the proposed elections shall be given in the printed termly programme. Business occurring at other times shall be dealt with at ordinary meetings. 23. Voting at meetings shall be by show of hands or by ballot as the Senior Member may determine. Motions must be proposed and seconded, and passed by a majority as defined in rule 24, in order to be carried. 24. In any vote of the Society, a quorum of more than ten people must be present, and a motion will be passed only if approved by at least half of those present. 25. The committee shall be responsible for making arrangements for the termly programme of ordinary meetings; in particular, it shall be the responsibility of the Secretary to invite the proposed speakers. 26. The Committee may, with the approval of the Senior Member, invest or deal with in any way that may seem to them to be in the best interests of the Society the surplus funds of the Society. 27. Should the Society suffer any financial embarrassment, other than through the default of the Treasurer, it shall be deemed the responsibility of the Society as a whole, and shall be dealt with at the next meeting; or, at the Committee's discretion, an extraordinary general meeting may be called. 5. Revisions for the Constitution 28. Amendments to the Constitution of the Society shall be made only if accepted by a majority vote of the Committee; the Senior Member, in writing; the Proctors; and a majority vote of the Society as defined by rule 24. 29. A notice of any proposed amendment under Rule 28 shall be sent to all members of the Society, who shall have at least a week's notice of the meeting at which voting under Rule 28(4) shall take place. 30. This Constitution shall be duplicated and a copy sent to the Proctor and the Senior Member. Copies may also be sent to any other person at the Committee's discretion. A copy shall always be kept among the Society's archives, where it shall be available for inspection by any member. Amendments shall be entered by the Secretary in his copy, and he shall notify the Proctors of any such amendments. 1. Throughout this constitution, except for this footnote, references to the male gender shall refer equally to the female gender. Oxford University Invariant Society, Mathematical Institute, 24-29 St. Giles', Oxford OX1 3LB