This is the readme file for TwicI, a simple but effective wiki engine. TwicI was written by Tom Anderson . = Files The files in this archive are a set of perl CGI scripts (*.pl) and a perl module ( which contains all the actual code. There are also readme and license files. = Licensing TwicI is copyright (c) 2003 Tom Anderson. It is distributed under a BSD-style license - see license.txt. Note that releases of TwicI prior to 17:00 on 11/03/2003 are not under copyright, having been placed in the public domain. The author does, however, humbly ask that you (a) mention that it is his work if you redistribute it and (b) do not sue him if it breaks. = Documentation There is no documentation. Feel free to ask questions on the OUSFG wiki: Or to email them to the author. Documentation is on its way, in the form of a TwicI Admin Howto: = FAQ :Q: Is there a FAQ? :A: No = Meta Note that this readme file is a valid TwicI source page. = Version History Note that a proper version history has only been kept since 2003-02-08; before this, features added were listed informally on a wiki page. That list, which is no longer extant, looked like this: - Render pages - Recognise WikiNames - Edit pages - Create pages - (at this point, we have the minimal useful wiki - huzzah!) - Recognising URL__s (badly) - RecentChanges - LastModified - Bulleted lists - Trap HTML (so this is not italic) - More formatting - italic and bold (implemented as em and strong in the HTML) - More or less passed first security audit - BackLinks - Use modules internally - Recent changes can be limited by both date and number of changes - SpecialURL support - Recognising ISBN SpecialURL__s - All pages now share common header and footer code; only the view pages have a full page-specific link set, but this could easily be added to other pages if it would be helpful - URL__s can now be wrapped in angle brackets to protect them from interference by surrounding characters (eg in a situation like this ). - Recognising imdb URL__s (we now support isbn, isfdb, imdb, lj, groggs and google as SpecialURL__s) - Support lj itemid () SpecialURL__s - Install a ULimit thingie - Fix the FormattingImplementation - Develop a static test harness - HTML headings - RecentViews - WikiPictures (basic version) - dmoz SpecialURL__s - Add a character set to the content-type header - New and improved WikiLists code - SpecialURL support for DOI__s and PubMed ID__s - Added the core WikiLocking code Soon after this, the following version history was started. 2003-02-08: Added jargon + rfc SpecialURL schemes; this is also the first version to have this readme file. 2003-02-20: Cleaned up a bit. Addressed some problems indicated by the error logs. Changed the resource limits and added code to log signals triggered by going over the limit. 2003-02-28: Extended the runtime limit to 20 sec (a temporary fix until ThinLinks are in place) 2003-02-28: Added time taken to the backlinks page. 2003-02-28: Fixed the previous change. 2003-02-28: Fixed raw blocks to not lose leading whitespace. 2003-02-28: Added the groovy localchanges script 2003-03-02-20:32:57: Fixed a bug in raw block handling 2003-03-06-11:41:45: Added WikiTitleSearch 2003-03-06-11:42:17: Actually put in the deployment (doh!) 2003-03-06-11:58:02: Updated titlesearch blurb. 2003-03-07-20:13:27: First cut of RSS feeding; we can now generate an RSS 0.92 feed for RecentChanges. The only problem is that the description, which is taken from the first paragraph of the page, is currently raw WikiText, rather than HTML; i can output HTML, but to be legal RSS, it needs to be _escaped_ HTML, which i can't do at present. If we had perl 5.8, with its filehandle-on-string chicanery, it would be easy, but at present, it's not. 2003-03-07-20:16:03: As usual, forgot to update the deploy script to include the new file, so here's another update with it in. 2003-03-10-13:47:41: Changed the table and tagged list code; tables now have borders etc, and tagged lists are rendered with tables rather than definition lists. This isn't permanent; it's a bit of an experiment. 2003-03-11-16:33:00: Added a title attribute to img tags, which copies the text in the alt attribute. This is for the benefit of Mozilla. 2003-03-11-16:33:28: Nothing. 2003-03-11-16:47:37: Edited the readme.txt file a bit. 2003-03-11-17:39:21: Changed the licensing to be a BSD license instead of public domain. 2003-03-11-17:40:48: Added license file to distribution! 2003-03-26-15:37:45: Changed the action links (edit, backlinks, etc) to be buttons rather than links; this is just a test. 2003-04-28-14:46:37: Updated the RSS code to emit an RSS 2.0 feed if asked. 2003-04-30-18:34:59: Patched changes-rss to format integer version numbers correctly 2003-05-04-10:52:34: Restored GROGGS support! 2003-06-11-13:16:33: Added a block type for quotes - blocks starting with a speechmark are rendered with

2003-06-11-13:42:09: Added collision detection. 2003-06-11-14:00:22: Corrected a bug on the update page introduced in the addition of collision detection 2003-06-11-16:36:21: Fixed a big where == was used instead of eq 2003-06-21-18:23:42: Fixed a couple of points where i was saying "$foo eq undef", which is wrong; it is now "!defined( $foo )". I hate perl. 2003-06-21-18:48:45: Fixed a few more noisy bits. 2003-06-21-18:56:18: Fixed a stupid but lethal bug.