The first rule of OUSFG Punch is that you do not reveal the secrets of OUSFG Punch.

The second rule of OUSFG Punch is that you do not reveal the secrets of OUSFG Punch .

The formula for OUSFG Punch is a secret carefully guarded, refined and handed down the generations from OUSFG Treasurer to OUSFG Treasurer (occasionally skipping the incapable teetotal ones). The formula is kept safe from mere members not just to safeguard the purity of the punch and the power of the treasurer, but for the mental and physical well-being of the members themselves: OUSFG Punch is an awesome power to wield, and it can only be wielded safely by those trained in its use.

The formula for OUSFG Punch is written down in only two places: in the OUSFG Treasurer's book of secret knowledge and, in an early form, in the Voynich Manuscript (written by early Oxford SF buff and alchemist Roger Bacon, who did a great deal of the early development of OUSFG Punch). Bacon's later namesake Francis had a copy of the formula, but took pains to bury it on an island in Canada, diverting attention by leaving hints that it was merely a vast horde of Templar treasure: <http://www.oakislandtreasure.co.uk/bacon.htm>.

The idea behind OUSFG Punch is that for the first glass you aren't sure if you like it, the second you are trying to work out what it tastes like, the third you are trying to work out what's in it, and the 4th you don't care (and are maybe willing to hand over money to join OUSFG!)!

PointOUSFG Punch is lovely! (This is a True Fact.)
CounterpointOUSFG Punch is vile! (This is a False Fact.)

Kills all known germs! Removes up to five years' corrosion and verdigris! Induces up to five years' corruption and pedantry!

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