Parsons Pleasure

Parsons Pleasure is a patch of the University Parks by the Cherwell weir and punt-ladder. It is where the Punt Party is traditionally held (since they haven't stopped us yet). Other than that, Parsons Pleasure is mostly famous for naked dons.

The nudists in question, according to "Oxford Oddfellows and Funny Tales", were venerable Oxford University dons: one anecdote goes that a number of them were skinny-sunbathing on the Pleasure when a group of students floated by in a punt. All but one of the startled dons covered their modesty - one placed a flannel over his head instead. When asked why he had done that, he replied haughtily, "Oh, my students know me by my face.".

At one Punt Party, a friend and housemate of Niall Harrison (who was there punt-partying) fell out of a tree and got concussion. An ambulance was called, and he went to hospital. Afterwards, Niall had to wake him up every two hours to make sure he wasn't dead. A few months later, he (the housemate) had a manic episode and was sectioned.

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