Structured Text

Structured Text is a standard wiki page language; on wikis which use it, pages are edited in this language. It looks natural in its raw form and can easily be rendered into HTML.

There's a variant of Structured Text called Re Structured Text:

Twic I doesn't use Structured Text; it has its own format, Wiki Text (well, Twic I Text).

At one point, it was thought that Twic I might move to Structured Text (or a close relative) in the future; it is now all but certain that it will not. Structured Text has too many features which suck badly, many of them stemming from its Pythonesque enthusiasm for significant leading whitespace (just have a look at the mess they're in over lists, for example).

Spookily, Structured Text and Twic I Text have a number constructs in common, despite there being no obvious common precedent and no interchange of ideas. In particular, the use of colons for tagged Wiki Lists is almost identical.

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