Tea Is The Salt Of Library Meetings

Soothing infusion of the dried shredded leaves of Camellia sinensis, resulting in a dark brown liquid. Origin: Asia. Repeatedly requested by certain OUSF Gi during Library meetings, sometimes with sugar, though not as popular in meetings as it once was (mostly put down to the fact that meetings don't extend into the late hours any more).

The secret of Thea Logie's former success as OUSFG Librarian: <http://www.ringtons.co.uk> NB This is a very image-heavy site. Download times may be slow. But if you can get past that, they do indeed sell tea over the Net!

Iced, a marvellous antidote to the excessive heat of a summer in America Land.

Teas that have been popular in OUSFG's past are :

The Tea Council: <http://www.tea.co.uk/>

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