Zool V

Zool V: The Final Front Ear

"How many ears does Mr Spock have? Three - a left ear, a right ear, and a Final Front Ear!"
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Zool V is the fifth (but sadly probably not final) part of the ongoing saga that is ZOOL. It is the first part to be written on a wiki. Zool V is being written on a paragraph-by-paragraph basis; authors of each paragraph may sign it if they like.

"Gurgle, goo, gurgle, ftagnn!" - Baby-Zool
Zool V, The Final Front Earnow runs to Ten Chapters, these being accessible here:
Zool Dramatis PersonaeCast of Characters and Other Idiotsby TL and WJR
Zool V Chapter OneMission to the Unknownby TL and WJR
Zool V Chapter TwoOuter Space Robot Peopleby TL and WJR
Zool V Chapter ThreeIn Zool, Nobody can hear You retcon...by TL and WJR
Zool V Chapter FourYou Can Lead A Worm To Cyberspace, But...by TL and WJR
Zool V Chapter FiveThe Unsubtle Brickby TL and WJR
Zool V Chapter SixZool Squaredby TL and WJR
Zool V Chapter SevenArrest that Aardvark!by TL and WJR
Zool V Chapter EightAll Cthulhus Great And Smallby TL and WJR
Zool V Chapter NineThe Good, the Bad and the Deityby TL and WJR
Zool V Chapter TenUnintellectual Propertyby TL and WJR

Links are also available between chapters, for those wishing to enjoy the entire story. Neither necessary nor sufficient, I fear.

Zool will be reborn..this time into a movie. WAIT 5 YEARS, FANS.....


Zool... the Movie? The mind boggles, runs away, and hides in one of Mike's crocodiles. -- WJR

Category Zool

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