Marston Cycle Path flooding information

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You may also find the current flag status of the river useful. This page tracks the level of the Isis at Friar's Wharf; Geraint Jones informs me that 15" to 20" above normal there seems to be a good match for a flooded path.

The Environment Agency has an automated level meter at the Southern end of Mesopotamia with two readings available: upstream and downstream. Once calibrated against the flooding of the path these should provide a useful warning mechanism.

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Previous 10 entries

Friday 11 October 2024 10:07 : Monica ( said:
Still clear this morning (Friday 11th/Oct)

Tuesday 8 October 2024 19:54 : JimiMac () said:
No real danger of it flooding in foreseeable future (or at least for next 2 weeks at least) so perhaps no need for further updates until there is a new flood?

Tuesday 8 October 2024 18:36 : Dan () said:
Still clear just before 6pm today (Tuesday)

Tuesday 8 October 2024 15:50 : Monica ( said:
Path was clear and dry this morning aroung 9 am

Tuesday 8 October 2024 15:50 : Monica ( said:
Path was clear and dry this morning aroung 9 am

Monday 7 October 2024 07:22 : Edward () said:
Completely clear and dry at around 07:10 this morning

Saturday 5 October 2024 08:58 : Kathryn ( said:
The path is completely dry this morning, 0830 on Saturday. Happy cycling!

Friday 4 October 2024 19:50 : Agnes () said:
It will probably reach the top of your sole so if you’re in waterproof boots you’ll be totally fine!

Friday 4 October 2024 15:34 : Agnes () said:
It will probably reach the top of your sole so if you’re in waterproof boots you’ll be totally fine!

Friday 4 October 2024 12:04 : gr () said:
Hear, hear! Thank you all so much for the information you provided.

Previous 10 entries

An A-road walks into a bar and asks for a pint. The barman serves him, but he looks really tough and the barman worries that there'll be trouble.

Then a dual carriage way walks in and buys a pint. The barman again notes that he looks tough and says, ‘Look, I don't want any trouble, so could you sit in that corner away from the A-road?’ So the dual carriage way does.

Soon afterwards, in walks a motorway and gets a pint, who looks extremely tough, so the barman makes him sit in another corner away from the other two roads.

A bit later, a really small road walks in and buys a diet coke. The A-road, dual carriage way and motorway all look at him aghast and run out of the pub. The barman grabs the motorway on the way past and asks, ‘Why are you running out? He's a really tiny road.’

The motorway replies, ‘He's no road, he's a cycle path!’

(supplied by Ændr)

Web page(s) maintained by Ganesh Sittampalam
Templates etc last updated 05/11/2019 (reports are updated as people submit new ones)