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About Me

My name is Niall Harrison. I completed a four-year undergraduate biochemistry course at Magdalen College, Oxford, in the summer of 2002. For a while, I worked in Hammicks Bookshop as a sales assistant; recently, I have taken up a position at Healthworld as a trainee Medical Writer. I am, for the most part, content with the way my life is going.

Whilst at university, I was involved in the Oxford University Speculative Fiction Group. I was even president at one point. I was also a student representative on the biochemistry subfaculty for a year, in which capacity I had the somewhat dubious privileges of (a) being complained at by most of the year when they think something is wrong, and (b) going to lots of committee meetings where nothing gets done about the complaints (cynical? Me? Never!). Still, at least I managed to get the newsgroup ox.bioch.misc to be used (at least for a while), and people tell me I did a good job establishing the (now sadly out of date) online course references website, which is nice.

There is a photo with me in it here. I'm the tall guy at the back sixth from the right. It's not a terribly useful photo since you can only see my head and shoulders, but it's the best I have at the moment, and will probably remain so until I get around to buying either a digital camera or a scanner.

Interests include anything SF-related, particularly the Mutant Enemy-produced TV shows Buffy, Angel and Firefly (if you look around the rest of the site, this will quickly become obvious from the number of episode reviews lying around...), science in general, and indie music. There isn't anything to do with music here at the moment; maybe I should add something...Sport? Well, not really, although I have enjoyed tennis and swimming, as well as occasionally competing in a ten-pin bowling league.

I have an ambiguous relationship with Livejournal; first time I had one, I screwed up and it had to go. I do now have a new journal, but I'm being a lot more careful about what I put up there. So if you want to find out any more about me, the best bet may be just to ask. The reasoning behind and origin of 'Coalescent' is explained here.