Tuesday 15/5/1: Lunchtime
I've just substantially upgraded the metal ions in biochemistry page. Current opinion in chemical biology is a very useful journal...
Wednesday 2/5/1: Lunchtime
A few more insulin signalling references are now up. Oh, and if you're passing through, why not have a look at my new guestbook?
Tuesday 1/5/1: Lunchtime
The cancer references actually went up a few days ago, but I forgot to mention it...oops.
Tuesday 24/4/01: Lunchtime
Added some references on apoptosis - the first references added to the paper IV page, hurrah! Cancer coming in the next couple of days, with any luck...
Wednesday 18/4/01: Morning
I've reorganised some of the Paper II references; some of the bacterial metabolism references are now under signal transduction (there's also a very good insulin signalling reference now linked from that page). I've also added couple of references to the energy transduction page, although this needs a lot more work.
Wednesday 11/4/01: Lunchtime
All the Microbial Metabolism references I can find are now up. Bacterial Motility has had a little bit added, but is by no means complete yet.
Wednesday 28/3/01: Morning
I've finished off the plant biochemistry references, which split onto two pages: Plant Biochemistry and Energy Transduction. There aren't as many references as you might like for a lecture course this size, but there are one or two on most areas.
Tuesday 27/3/01: Early Evening
I've finished off the modifications I want to make to the organisation of the site (for now, at least); these include a small navigation table at the top and bottom of each page in the main references section (for example, the ones here), and a rearrangement of the links to each paper onto a separate page here.
Tuesday 27/3/01: Lunchtime
I've added past questions for each topic as text files; for example, past questions on physical methods are here. In general, they are listed in the same section as relevant lecture courses for a topic.
Today has also seen a fairly major restructuring of the site. The four papers are still where they were, but I've put in a new index page and broken up the old one into separate pages; this will hopefully make the site easier to navigate.
As of right now, I reckon paper I is about 90% complete; paper II is about 10% complete; paper III is about 80% complete; and paper IV is 0% complete. Hopefully by the end of the holiday I'll get all four up to at least 70 or 80%.
This page was written by Niall Harrison.