Anime Buying Guide

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Region coding and video standards


Customs duties
Region 1 (US) Region 4 (Australia)

Region 2 (Japan)

Region 2 (UK)

Region 2 (Europe)

Region 3/0 (HK and Indonesia)
Oxford Anime Vision

A note on customs charges

If you are importing goods from outside of the EC (eg. the States, Japan, Australia) you maybe be liable to pay duty and/or VAT on the imported goods.

Items purchased yourself under £18 (including P&P) and gifts under £36 are exempt from charges; any items over this limit can be charged.

Typically DVDs bought overseas, eg. from Australia, will be under £18 if shipped separately and hence not chargable. However, box sets and orders from Japan etc. are often chargable and you may find yourself required to pay. Currently, duty is at 3.5% for packages under £282; addition of VAT means you will be paying a charge of around 20%.

HM Customs and Excise website is at and of particular note is the following item charging VAT and duty on goods bought over the internet.

Obviously, the information on this page maybe be outdated, I suggest you check for full details.