Anime Buying Guide

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Region coding and video standards


Customs duties
Region 1 (US) Region 4 (Australia)

Region 2 (Japan)

Region 2 (UK)

Region 2 (Europe)

Region 3/0 (HK and Indonesia)
Oxford Anime Vision

Region 2 (Europe) releases

I don't do much of this myself but there is a lot of anime released over the Channel that isn't released anywhere else. For example if you can read French well you might consider the French subtitled VHS of Utena. In any case, if you are interested in getting anime or manga from Europe, Archonia is a good website (in English) to try.

They also list many US titles for import but they are quite pricey. They do lots and lots of manga too - much more varied than US manga. Recommended release - the French Jin Roh dvd is quite nice ^_^